Monday, April 20, 2009

Here it is April...

Here it is April and I have alot of filling in to do. In a clean sweep, I am and have been teaching the little ones (3rd-5th graders) reading and writing in the elementary section. It has been a rough year. One problem being, not knowing how much the kids know and how much to expect from them. I was so frustrated and overwhelmed in the beginning. I have gotten upset, have been overly nice, overly tough, extra vigilant, extra motivating, bribery name it, I've tried it. I have run out of styles of teaching, The best strategy I've found, has been to be nice and courteous at all times (which is a given), look the other way as much as possible (when students misbehave) and keep the lesson ball rolling in class. Those who are good students, are awesome students--academically and in leadership potential. They are mature beyond their years, quiet role-models and eager to do their best. I love them!

As a whole, I do far less academically with them than I'd like. I had all sorts of games, inter-active lessons and drama activities in mind but giving directions is too much of a tear-jerker sometimes, so I stick with what is simple and sometimes boring. Hopefully we can move-on-up with the fun stuff when they have a little more English under their belts. In all the classes, one thing that consistently goes right is this. In the beginning of the year, (even after months of practice) when I said, "Pass down your papers," I would be greeted by total silence and looks of boredom. Now, 'pass down your papers' brings the sound of rustling filigre filtering down the aisles. Thank goodness!

We are blessed with a wonderful schedule that gives us alternating 2-3 day weekends. This weekend, I took a break. I probably watched 5 movies and 6 hours of 'Project Runway'. I have been planning tests for weeks now and was in need of some freedom from desicion making. Thoughout the day, I keep thinking back to this one designer, Christian Siriano, the star child of the show, wondering what elegant piece he is cooking up next.

Am just about to head off to class after a quick hallway discussion about religion. It happens alot here... Unexpected interludes of heavy discussion about immenent world issues. These things would be better hashed out around a conference table than a cafeteria or stairwell. However, it is always lively and full of down-home grit. Since this is where I live and those are my peeps, I'll take it.

Better run, or the lesson planner ship will sink fast...